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The Public Credit group invests in investment and sub-investment grade, public, single-name credits and credit indices globally across all sectors.

Products used by Public Credit include corporate bonds, exchange traded funds (ETF), credit default swaps (CDS), options, synthetic tranches, asset backed securities (ABS), residential mortgage backed securities (RMBS), commercial mortgage backed securities (CMBS) and collateralized loan obligations (CLOs). There is no typical investment size, but investments can range from $25 million to $250 million with the ability to analyze vanilla and bespoke structured credit opportunities.

Our Team

The PC team is comprised of experienced professionals with offices in Toronto, London and Hong Kong. Here is a listing of all our senior team members, categorized and searchable by city.

Chris Pinkney 398x297
Chris Pinkney

Managing Director, Head of Public Credit

Wei Wei Chen 387x298 1
Wei Wei Chen

Managing Director, Public Credit

Laetitia Dourin 387x298 1
Laetitia Dourin

Managing Director, Public Credit

Chris Pinkney 398x297
Chris Pinkney

Managing Director, Head of Public Credit

Wei Wei Chen 387x298 1
Wei Wei Chen

Managing Director, Public Credit

Laetitia Dourin 387x298 1
Laetitia Dourin

Managing Director, Public Credit

Chris Pinkney 398x297
Chris Pinkney

Managing Director, Public Credit

Wei Wei Chen 387x298 1
Wei Wei Chen

Managing Director, Public Credit

Laetitia Dourin 387x298 1
Laetitia Dourin

Managing Director, Public Credit

Our Credit Investments Holdings

We invest globally across public and private credit investments.
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