CPP Investments tenure: My first tenure was 2001-2006. I took a leave of absence, and then returned from 2007- 2015. I worked out of Toronto and London.
Famous for: Introducing the beard to the organization (sorry, Mark Machin); being a champion of private equity secondaries (shameless at times); leaving CPP Investments in 2006 only to come back in 2007 (see above); and consistently getting sayings wrong (and not knowing that I did).
Current situation: Managing Partner, Whitehorse Liquidity Partners, a private equity firm focused on providing preferred equity to private equity portfolios. Established in 2015, we’ve grown to 24 people and raised over $1.5 billion. In 2018, we were voted Top 3 Private Equity Firms in Canada by Private Equity International.
Can’t stop reading about: Mindfulness (happiness is a mindset); coping with high growth organizations (to deal with the rocket ship that Whitehorse has become); and Yukon rivers (canoeing them refreshes my soul).
People aren’t paying enough attention to: Positivity (the world has gone negative, it needs more love); the present (the here and now); and giving back (it’s the right thing to do).
Podcast/Long read obsession: Principles by Ray Dalio (a must read); The Economist Radio podcast (a good summary of the world events); and stand-up comedy on Spotify (everyone needs a good laugh).
2019 #Goals: Self-care (life is a marathon not a sprint); retaining a grounded culture at Whitehorse (celebrating milestones while staying humble); maintaining momentum (driving further growth and evolution at Whitehorse); giving back (it helps to remain grateful); and taking vacations (the Arctic, and adventure, is calling!).
Favourite Guiding Principle: Integrity: do good things for the right reason and in the right way. This feeds partnership and leads to high performance. CPP Investments taught me that you can be a good person and win—the most important lesson I have learnt.